Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management

Why take this degree
The Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) provides people with the theoretical and practical knowledge to carry out the work involved in the management, administration, assessment and evaluation of companies and organisations. Specifically, the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management provides the skills to identify and anticipate market opportunities, allocate resources, organise information, select and motivate people, make decisions, achieve proposed objectives and evaluate results.
The professional opportunities for this degree are very wide. Thus, the aforementioned tasks can be carried out by graduates in Business Administration and Management through entrepreneurial work, in companies or in other public or private organisations, and both in the field of general management and in specific areas.
The current syllabus, adapted to the European Higher Education Area, is taught over 4 years.
The quality of the teaching offered in this degree is guaranteed not only by the experience of the University of Zaragoza in higher education in business management and administration, but also the qualification of its teaching staff. It is also backed-up by the success achieved in the job market, allowing its graduates to access different areas of responsibility in local, national and international companies.
The Faculty of Business and Public Management offers the possibility of taking a double degree in Business Administration and Management of the University of Zaragoza and the Licence Economie et Gestion of the UPPA (France).
Language Requirements
The courses are taught in Spanish. It is recommended that foreign students have a B1 level of Spanish.
Intensive Spanish courses are offered by the Institute of Modern Languages of the University of Zaragoza for foreign students at the beginning of each semester (LINK)
There are several subjects that are called "English Friendly", in which the exams, the tutoring sessions with the teacher, the syllabus and some materials are in English. See on the web subjects labelled as "EF" (LINK)
In addition, in order to understand various developments and information, as well as seminars given by lecturers from other universities, a B1 level of English and/or French is recommended.
Entry and admission requirements
These are the general requirements of the University of Zaragoza (LINK)
Employment profiles
A graduate in Business Administration and Management has a wide range of opportunities in the labour market, both in the private and public sectors.
In the private sector, a distinction can be made between being an entrepreneur or working for a company.
The degree prepares students for entrepreneurial work in the following areas:
- Auditing
- Accounting
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Labour and Social Security
- Marketing
- Company Administration
- Taxation
- Foreign Trade
- Environment, Information Systems, Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, etc.
- Judicial and Forensic Proceedings
- Incorporation and dissolution of companies.
- Wealth Management
- Private Business, Organisations and the Financial Sector
The degree also prepares students for work in the following areas of business and organisations in the private sector:
- Management and General Management
- Administration
- Finance and Accounting
- Auditing
- Commercial-Marketing
- Human Resources
- External
- Financial Sector Risks
- Securities Markets
- Financial Products
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Environment
- Logistics
- Social Economy
- Production
In the public sector, graduates in Business Administration and Management can work in international, national, regional or local administrations. For example: Tax Inspectors, Notaries, Commercial Brokers, State Economists, Economists Scale of the Autonomous Administration, Comptrollers, State Civil Administration, Bank of Spain Inspection, Labour and Social Security Inspectors, etc. In addition, they can also work in the field of education.
What you learn
The graduate in Business Administration and Management will be an expert, a practical person, with clear abilities, experienced in his/her field, who can tackle management problems with professional criteria and with the use of technical skills. Therefore, he/she must be able to:
- Lead, manage and administer companies and organisations.
- Know how the different areas of a company or organisation work and be able to perform with ease any management task entrusted to them.
- Assess the situation and future development of companies and organisations, make decisions and extract the relevant knowledge.
- Drawing up and drafting global management projects for companies and organisations.
- Write reports on specific situations in markets, sectors, organisations, companies and their functional areas.
- Understand and apply professional criteria and scientific rigour to the resolution of economic, business and organisational problems.
Detailed description of the skills that will be acquired during the course
The main objective of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management is to train professionals capable of carrying out management, consultancy and assessment tasks in organisations.
At the end of their training process, graduates in Business Administration and Management will be able to exercise the following specific abilities.
1. The competence to direct, manage and administer companies and organisations.
2. Ability to understand how all areas of a company or organisation function, and to be able to carry out any management task entrusted to them with ease.
3. Ability to assess the situation and foreseeable evolution of companies and organisations, to make decisions and to extract relevant knowledge.
4. Ability to draw up and draft projects for the global management of companies and organisations.
5. Ability to issue advisory reports on specific situations of markets, sectors, organisations, companies, and their functional areas.
6. Ability to understand and apply professional criteria and scientific rigour to the resolution of economic, business, and organisational problems.
In addition, the graduate Will acquire the following skills:
1. General skills
- Problem-solving skills.
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- Capacity for organisation and planning.
- Ability to analyse and search for information from different sources.
- Ability to make decisions.
-Use the necessary technological tools and instruments in their professional duties.
- Communicate correctly, in writing and orally, with emphasis on argumentation.
- Communicate appropriately in the professional field, orally and in writing, in at least one foreign language.
2. Personal skills:
- Ethical commitment at work.
- Ability to work in a team.
- Working in a pressurised environment.
- Negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
3. Overall skills:
- Motivation for quality and excellence.
- Ability to adapt to new situations.
- Autonomy for training and continuous learning.
4. Specific skills
- Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
General presentation of the syllabus
The syllabus consists of 240 ECTS credits distributed in 4 academic years of 60 credits each.
- 60 are basic training credits
- 128 compulsory credits
- 46 elective credits (including 6 or 12 credits of work experience)
- 6 correspond to the Final Degree Project.
Work experience is optional, and students can choose between two modalities: 6 or 12 credits. The aim of work experience is to offer direct training in line with the needs of companies. Work experience is managed through UNIVERSA, which is the Career’s Advice Centre of the University of Zaragoza (LINK).
Universa establishes collaborative relationships with numerous companies and institutions in order to organise work experience for students. The monitoring of the work is carried out through tutors: an academic tutor belonging to the teaching staff of the Degree course and a professional mentor within the company or institution. In addition, there is the possibility of credit recognition for participation in university life - cultural, sporting, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities.