

It is a pleasure for me to welcome you to our centre on behalf of our entire university community: teaching staff, students, and administration and services staff. The School of Business and Public Management of University of Zaragoza, is located in Huesca, a campus located at 70 kms from Zaragoza.

Huesca is the capital and the geographical centre of the region of Alto Aragón, the cradle of the former Kingdom of Aragon, with an excellent strategic location that constitutes a junction of communication between the valley of the Ebro and the Pyrenees, between Pais Vasco and Catalonia, and close to France .

It is a quiet and friendly city with a high quality of life. The city has intense cultural activity and, from ancient times, has been characterized by a great educational vocation. This privileged environment where we find ourselves is the one we want to share with our students.

Since it was created, our Centre has pledged its firm commitment to the maximum quality of teaching, to the scientific rigour of both theoretical and practical training, to the best relationship of the student with the company and to the mobility of our students, not only within our country, but also in the rest of the European Union.

The main axis of the teaching activities revolves around the Degree in Business Administration and Management, the Degree in Management and Public Administration, the latter in two modalities: face-to-face and distance learning, and the Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Planning.

Bachelor in BusinessBachelor in Public Management Master in Tourism

We are an open centre and are convinced that communication between the university and society has to be continuous and strong. We hope to reach the highest quality in the responsible performance of the three basic functions of the university: education, research and social, cultural and service approach towards the society sustaining it.

I our website  you will get the information you need. For further information, we invite you to visit us and, of course, do not hesitate in contacting and send us your comments and suggestions.

Thank you and welcome.

Postal address:



Pza Constitucion s/n



Director: 0034 974 239305

Vice-Dean for International affairs: 0034 974 239381

Administration:  0034 974 239389

International Affairs coordinator for Huesca Campus: 0034 974 292535;

Buddy Campus Huesca: INTERHUE@UNIZAR.ES. Student available for helping incoming students in Campus Huesca at the beginning of each semester (Approx.: second week September to end October and second week January to end February).


Última modificación
Wed , 25/09/2024 - 11:50

PRIMER CURSO                                                                                                 

Asignaturas primer semestre

27300 Fundamentos de administración y dirección de empresas 
27301 Contabilidad financiera I 
27302 Matemáticas I 
27303 Introducción al marketing 
27304 Introducción al derecho 

Asignaturas segundo semestre

27305 Historia económica y economía mundial
27306 Contabilidad financiera II 
27307 Microeconomía I 
27308 Matemáticas II
27309 Estadística I 



Asignaturas primer semestre

27310 Estadística II 
27311 Fiscalidad de la empresa 
27312 Macroeconomía I
27313 Microeconomía II   
27314 Organización y gestión interna 

Asignaturas segundo semestre

27315 Análisis y valoración de las operaciones financieras
27316 Economía española
27317 Estados financieros
27318 Introducción a la investigación de mercados 
27319 Macroeconomía II


Asignaturas primer semestre

27320 Análisis de estados financieros
27321 Dirección comercial I 
27322 Dirección estratégica 
27323 Dirección financiera 
27324 Econometría

Asignaturas segundo semestre

27325 Contabilidad directiva 
27326 Dirección de la producción 
27327 Dirección de recursos humanos 
27328 Gestión de riesgos financieros
27329 Política de la empresa


Asignaturas primer semestre

27330 Contabilidad de combinaciones de negocios 
27334 Decisiones comerciales  
27337 Dirección de la empresa internacional
27341 Mercados financieros 
27342 Control de gestión
27344 Lengua extranjera empresarial (Inglés)
27345 Lengua extranjera empresarial (Francés)

Asignaturas segundo semestre

27335 Derecho mercantil 

27343 Las TIC's en la empresa

27348 Creación y gestión de pymes 
27349 Dirección comercial II 
27351 Gestión de la tesorería 
27352 Gestión integrada y creación de valor 
27356 Política económica
27357 Régimen laboral de la empresa
27358 Sociología de las organizaciones 
27359 Prácticas en empresas II

27360 Prácticas en empresas
27331 Trabajo fin de grado
24900 Idioma Moderno B1 (Inglés)

24901 Idioma Moderno B1(Francés)

24902 Idioma Moderno B1 (Alemán)